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Conference to present the results of the Waterskiing Life project: on Saturday 14th September at 3.00 pm by the Rural Expo 2013

( Camugnano, 05 September 2013 )The Protected Areas Department of the Province of Prato and the Managing Body for the Parks and Biodiversity of Eastern Emilia invite you to take part in the conference to present the results achieved with the LIFE+ "Waterskiing" project.
The conference - entitled "La coesistenza tra attività rurali e conservazione di specie d'interesse comunitario: il Progetto LIFE Natura SCI d'acqua" (The coexistence between rural activities and conservation of the species of community interest: The Natura Life Waterskiing Project) - will be held from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm of Saturday 14th September 2013 at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, Conference Area, Cavaniglia stand, within the event "Tuscan Rural Expo 2013".

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