Riserva Naturale del Contrafforte Pliocenico
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Appearing in records dating from 1209, Livergnano is an ancient town located along the Futa road. Its unique houses were built against rock walls and, with their bright colors and partially rugged nature, they are perhaps the only example of such unplanned construction in the Bolognese Apennines. They were probably the result of extensions to preexisting recesses, as the findings of leaf fossils, objects and flint stones would suggest, even though they were surely modified in Napoleonic times during corrections works to the course of the road. The front elevations and other masonry structures of the houses destroyed by WWII bombings were almost all rebuilt. The church, it too destroyed and rebuilt, is located on a plateau commanding a wide view over a large area of the Bolognese hills.
(photo by Ivan Bisetti)
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