Parco Regionale del Corno alle Scale
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Trails for People with Disabilities

Project 'Creation of an approach ramp for disabled people for the Museum of Poggiolforato'

The project has been financed by the Provincial Plan 2001 dealing with libraries, archives, museums, according to the Regional Law L.R. n. 18/2000.
The project gave the opportunity to create an approach ramp for disabled people enabling them to enter the Ethnographic Museum of Mountain Culture "G.Carpani", within a system according to which the accessibility of the Museum will be gradually improved.
The intervention led to the elimination of preexisting architectural barriers by creating a new access to the building through an already existing way from which the inclined ramp begins. The ramp, with a gradient respecting the rules, leads to a landing near the entrance, which is placed at the same level of the inner floor.

"Un Parco per Tutti"

Project for People with Disabilities
The project "Un Parco per tutti" has been carried out thanks to the Fondazione della Cassa di Risparmio di Bologna; the main aim of the project was the improvement of the accessibility of Corno alle Scale Park through the restructuring of already existing paths and the creation of new paths which are entirely accessible for disabled people.
The places modified by the interventions included in the project are: the adjacent area of Pian d'Ivo Visitor Center (loc. Madonna dell'Acero) and the access to the Sanctuary of Madonna dell'Acero.
A parking area reserved to people with disabilities has been created near the forest road linking the SP road to the Visitor Center; moreover, a path developing along wooden footways has been prepared: it enables everyone to reach the Park structure in a comfortable way and it develops within the wood to give the possibility to directly observe the naturalistic aspects. Along the route of the footways, some didactic wooden boxes containing the seeds and the bark of the plants which can be found along the route and the tracks of the most characteristic local animals have been placed.
The access to Madonna dell'Acero Sanctuary before the intervention was possible through a few steps or a ramp. However, it was rather uncomfortable, since the stairs did not have handrail, and the ramp and the road in the meadow became muddy and full of puddles in case of bad weather. Through this project, an access road with sandstone slabs linking the SP road to the Sanctuary, which is accessible also in case of bad weather, has been created. Moreover, a small rest area with a bench has been created in the area facing the Mountains of the Riva, from where you can enjoy a suggestive landscape.

Activities for Children

We dedicate several activities to children: by playing, we lead them to discover the secrets and the wonders of nature.

  • Creative Labs
    (Pian D'Ivo Visitor Center): practical activities using natural material which can easily be found (leaves, wood, pebbles). The activities stimulate a fanciful use of these elements through the creation of various objects.

  • In the country of Sognabosco
    (Pianaccio Visitor Center): for all children who want to play and fly on the wings of imagination.

Further Activities

  • "Il pulmino delle meraviglie" - The Coach of Wonders
    When men sleep, the woodland is animated by an intense life: leaving at sunrise by coach you can observe the animals in their activities, without disturbing them.

  • Thematic meetings with experts
    Researchers and experts who are monitoring the Park flora and fauna present their results, giving to everyone the possibility to receive more information on various aspects of these charming issues.

Evening Activities

  • "Un Parco per immagini" - A Park for Images
    During these evenings the magic show of nature is presented: a commented slide projection will lead you to discover the secrets of our territory.

  • "Gli occhi al cielo" - Eyes to the Sky
    Evenings dedicated to the observation of the sky, led by an expert in astronomy and completed by music and readings.

Tours by Mountain Bike

Tours by mountain bike: "Emozioni su due ruote", they are carried out in order to give people the opportunity to choose among tracks with various levels of difficulty, surrounded by the most luxuriant and magic nature, cycling in a landscape to admire.
In collaboration with "Gemini Corno alle Scale", under the patronage of the Municipality of Lizzano in Belvedere and the Province of Bologna Assessorato allo Sport, Tempo libero e Turismo.




To receive information you can contact the Park Center, Via Roma, 1 - 40042 Pianaccio Lizzano in Belvedere (Tel. +39 0534 51761 - Fax +39 0534 51763) - E-mail:

To book for activities you can contact the IAT offices:

Useful Telephone Numbers

  • Sezione CAI Bologna Tel. +39 051 234856
  • Sezione CAI Pistoia Tel. +39 0573 31267
  • Sezione CAI Prato Tel. +39 0574 462079
  • Sezione CAI Porretta Terme c/o Giuseppe Fanti Tel. +39 0534 22833
  • Comunità Montana Alta e Media valle del Reno Tel. +39 051 911056
  • Comunità Montana Val di Bisenzio Tel. +39 0574 957018
  • Comunità Montana Appennino Pistoiese Tel. +39 0573 630790
  • National Forest Service (station of Lizzano in Belvedere) Tel. +39 0534 51089
  • Bologna Bus Service (ATC) Tel. +39 051 248374
  • Pistoia Bus Service (COPIT) Tel. +39 0573 363242
  • Prato Bus Service (CAP) Tel. +39 0574 608218
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