Parco Regionale dell'Abbazia di Monteveglio
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Nature Trail - Climb to the Castle and the Abbey

On foot         Great Interest: Flora Great Interest: Religion Great Interest: Hystory 
  • Departure: Parcheggio viale dei Martiri
  • Duration:  40 minutes
  • Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
  • Length: 1.1 km

The itinerary connects the parking lot in Viale dei Martiri with the Tower of the Castle of Monteveglio, the ancient town and the Abbey of Santa Maria Assunta, the most important historical emergencies. The starting point of the itinerary, which takes about 40 minutes walking, is located near the car park at the beginning of Viale dei Martiri, at the entrance to the modern town, where a short staircase leads into the woods towards the hill of Monteveglio. The mixed forest that covers the steep slopes of the hill protects the path following the ancient Via della Costa, the original access road to the Castle. After crossing the paved road, the itinerary starts to climb again, skirting the oratory of the Madonna di San Luca, to reach the top of the hill, near the small cemetery of Monteveglio Alto, and the entrance door to the historic castle complex and the Abbey.

The route develops on easy grass paths or dirt, which only for short stretches can become muddy after the rains. To overcome the 150 m difference in height between the Park Center and the top of the hill, the climb is constant, with more challenging sections and others with slight slopes. Along the way there are some stations, marked by traditional green and white signs of the regional protected areas, which suggest observations and provide information on issues related to the itinerary.

(photo by PR Abbazia di Monteveglio)

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