Parco Regionale dell'Abbazia di Monteveglio
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Nature Trail - Corte d'Aibo and the slopes of Monte Morello

On foot         Great Interest: Flora Great Interest: Geology 
  • Departure: Azienda agrituristica Corte d'Aibo
  • Duration: 2 hour/s
  • Difficulty Level: E - Hiking (level)
  • Length: 3.3 km

The circular route starts from the Corte d’Aibo parking lot, from which a cavedagna leads downstream of the rural core offering a beautiful view of the Pan Perso gullies and the vineyards.
The route goes up the slopes of Monte Morello with a sharp climb through old cultivated areas now undergoing renaturalization, to then go around the top of the mountain on the north-western side characterized by a cool wood in which there are also some residual chestnut trees. Reached via Sant’Antonio, it follows the ridge towards the top of Mount Morello, giving suggestive glimpses of the rio Ramato Valley and the medieval village of Monteveglio and then descending towards Corte D’Aibo along the vineyards and walnut groves, skirting a splendid waterfall with concretions of travertine. It develops essentially on dirt tracks and the clayey nature of the soil can create difficulties in rainy periods, becoming muddy and slippery.

Around Corte d'Aibo
Around Corte d'Aibo
(photo by PR Abbazia di Monteveglio)

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