Parco Regionale del Corno alle Scale
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Mt. La Nuda

On foot         Great Interest: Flora Great Interest: Panorama 
  • Departure: Pianaccio
  • Arrival: Pianaccio
  • Duration: 5 hour/s 30 minutes
  • Length: 12.3 km

The itinerary climbs to the summit of Mount La Nuda, where vaccinia and stony grasslands are home to rare blooms. The track, which takes a whole day, has some challenging sections in the upper part in case of slippery ground. From Pianaccio you go up along the Bagnadori ditch and to the saddle of the same name, then continuing along the forest track towards Pian d’Ivo; abandoned the latter, you climb decisively towards the Balzi del Fabuino near which you exit the wood to enter the high altitude meadows that characterize the summit of the mountain. The return follows the steep path that descends towards the Segavecchia refuge and then continues along the forest track that leads back to Pianaccio.

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Activities with the guide
Activities with the guide
(photo by PR Corno alle Scale)

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