Parco Regionale dei Gessi Bolognesi e Calanchi dell'Abbadessa
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L'agricoltura sostenibile nel Parco dei Gessi Bolognesi

The Park territory is characterized by a traditional and evident agricultural vocation, to the extent that among the Protected Areas in the Province of Bologna it boasts the highest number of cropping farms. The publication was prepared within the project "Qualificazione e valorizzazione dell'agricoltura presente nel Parco" (Int. GEBO 03), and co-financed by Regione Emilia-Romagna within the Investment Program for the Regional Protected Areas 2001-2003 (Resolution CR no. 332 of 12/02/02 and GR no. 1253 of 15/07/02).
  • Size: 18x22cm
  • Year: 2005
  • Price: 3.00 €  

Notes: General coordination and texts: Cristina Valeri
Project coordinator and technical-scientific support: Paolo Mattioli
Park Staff: David Bianco, Lucia Montagni

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