Parco Storico Regionale di Monte Sole
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Monte Sole Interpretation Center

The Monte Sole Interpretation Center provides an in-depth look at the history of the Marzabotto and Monte Sole area, with particular reference to the massacre and the Second World War.
Three rooms dedicated respectively to the history of the area, to the Monte Sole massacre and to the Stella Rossa partisan brigade offer the visitor information panels, audio-video material and a multimedia table.

At the end, the IAT room has numerous publications.

The space was created by the Municipality of Marzabotto with the support of the Regional Committee for Honoring the Fallen of Marzabotto and the collaboration of the associations and institutions linked to the memory of Monte Sole: ANPI Marzabotto, Ente Parchi Emilia Orientale, Scuola di Pace di Monte Sole, Association of family victims of the Nazi-fascist massacres of Grizzana, Marzabotto and Monzuno, municipality of Monzuno, municipality of Grizzana Morandi.

The Center is located inside the House of Culture and Memory of Marzabotto, via Porrettana Sud 1, tel 051931026.
Free entry.

Municipality: Marzabotto (BO) | Region: Emilia-Romagna | View on Map
Monte Sole Interpretation Center
Monte Sole Interpretation Center
(photo by Parco Storico di Monte Sole)
2024 © Ente di gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità - Emilia Orientale
Piazza XX Settembre, 1 - 40043 Marzabotto (BO)
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